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21 Kasım 2021 Pazar

"25 Kasım Dünya Kadına Yönelik Şiddetle Mücadele Günü" Kapsamında yıl sonuna kadar sürecek 70 sanatçı 100 Kadın sergisinde ben de yer alıyorum.

 Sergi UNIQ Expo'da

1.500 m2 sanata ayrılmış bir alan. Yüzlerce eseri doğal hava sirkülasyonuna sahip sergi alanında 31 Aralık 2021 tarihine kadar gezebilirsiniz.
I am also taking part at the “70 artists 100 women exhibition” at UNIQ Expo] within the context of : “25 November International day for the elimination of Violence Against Women” which will last until the end of the year.
Inside: 1.500 m2 area spared for Art. You may see hundreds of artworks in a naturally air circulated exhibition area until 31 December 2021.
Sergi için tıklayınız...


Kendimle ilgili bir istatistik... 2021 yılında Resim-İllüstrasyon alanında neler yapabilmişim?


Sergi: Design Market Karaköy-Istanbul, Art Central Gallery Barry-UK, Unit 1 Gallery London-UK, Fi Art Gallery-Türkiye, UNIQ Expo İstanbul(2 Sergi)
Ödül: Delphian Gallery Açık Çağrısının 42 kazananından biri İngiltere (Londra)

20 Kasım 2021 Cumartesi

Kendimle ilgili bir istatistik... 2021 yılında karikatür yarışmalarından elde ettiğim sonuçlar...


2021 yılında karikatür yarışmalarından elde ettiğim sonuçlar...
Sergi/Katalog : 23th Euro-kartoenale-Belgium, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği-İzmir, Satyrykon 2021-Poland, Maya KAMATH-India, Piracicaba 2021-Brazil, Libex-Foundation Giuseppe Di Vagno-Italy, 9th Int. Salon of Press Cartoons and Satirical Visual Arts 2021-Romania, Humoralia Mostra de`humor Graphic 2021-Spain, 28. International Calicomix Festival-Colombia, 4th CARTUNION Cartoon Contest Just Funny!-RUSSIA
Ödül: International Cartoon Competition on Forced Labour (International Labour Organization (ILO)-Fransa


1 Eylül 2021 Çarşamba

İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi-Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması-2021

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality-Gender Mainstreaming International Cartoon Contest-2021

Karikatürüm Albümün 33. Sayfasında yayınlandı. My Cartoon was published on page 33.

30 Temmuz 2021 Cuma

I am one of the winners at ILO (International Labour Organization) - RHSF (NGO-Human Resources Without Borders) cartoon competition against forced labour.

The competition received more than 450 cartoons by over 200 cartoonists, from 65 countries.

Only 12 Cartoons were selected by the Prestigious Jury.

My cartoon received the  most "likes"  and won the "People’s Choice Award" (Public's Pick)

Click for the Winners(RHSF)      Click for the Winners(50forfreedom)    Click for the Winners(ILO)

Click For the Album        RHSF-Press Release


12 Temmuz 2021 Pazartesi

Voting Closed!!! at: ILO (International Labour Organization) - RHSF (NGO-Human Resources Without Borders) cartoon competition against forced labour.

Voting has been closed. Many thanks for my supporters. I received a total of 2,387 likes on Instagram when the counting was closed today at noon.With this score I've passed the finish line as the winner!
As of now total likes reached at 2,525 and still rising!
I am really happy for participating a cartoon competition which has such a good cause.


Oylama bugün bitti. Beni destekleyen ve karikatürümü beğenen herkese teşekkürler. Sayım bitiş saati itibariyle Instagramda 2,387 beğeni alarak, yarışı en önde bitirdim.
Sayım bittikten sonra beğenenler ile toplam beğeni sayısı an itibariyle 2,525’e ulaştı ve artmaya devam ediyor.
Böylesine iyi bir sosyal amaca hizmet eden bir yarışmaya katıldığım için mutluyum.


6 Temmuz 2021 Salı

Vote for my Cartoon - I am a finalist at ILO (International Labour Organization) - RHSF (NGO-Human Resources Without Borders) cartoon competition against forced labour.

The competition received more than 450 cartoons by over 200 cartoonists, from 65 countries.(International Labour Organization  , United Nations , Cartooning for Peace , 50forfreedom )

Only 12 Cartoons were selected by the Prestigious Jury.

The cartoon with the most "likes" will win the People’s Choice Award!! The voting will end at Monday 12 July (11.59 PM CET time) So don't miss... Hurry up!!

********You Can Vote Here!!*******

11 Nisan 2021 Pazar

2 Şubat 2021 Salı

Bir karikatürüm Belçika'da Düzenlenen "23th Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem 2021-Chances and Opportunities" Sergi ve Kataloğuna Alındı...

A total of 2311 cartoons from 714 cartoonists were submitted to the competitition from 80 different countries. A few more than a hundred Cartoonists' Cartoons were selected for the Exhibition and/or Catalog.   These are the Selected Ones

The following Video shows the cartoons that I have submitted for “23rd Euro Kartoenale-Chances & Opportunities” One of them was recently selected for the exhibition and catalog.

I don't know which one yet . Do you have a Guess?

6 Ocak 2021 Çarşamba

Bir karikatürüm Japonya'da düzenlenen "Best Cartoons of Nippon" Karikatür festivali albümünde yer aldı.

Today I received a beautiful Cartoon Album from Japan with one of my cartoons inside.
Thanks to the organizers of: "The Best Cartoons of Nippon International Cartoon Festival In Saitama 2020 Japan

 Festivale İlişkin Pencere Mizah Duyurusu