My cartoon dates back to November 2013 when I attended as a child delegate to First Turkish Child & Media Congress (1.Türkiye Çocuk ve Medya Kongresi) held in Istanbul .
Bir sanat eseriyle durdu zaman… Time stopped with a single artwork...
My cartoon dates back to November 2013 when I attended as a child delegate to First Turkish Child & Media Congress (1.Türkiye Çocuk ve Medya Kongresi) held in Istanbul .
Açılış : 9 Kasım Cumartesi 16:00 - 19:00 Yer: Mecidiyeköy Sanat İstanbul İBB-Kültür
Eğitim Kültür ve Araştırma Vakfı, EKAV-ARTIST’in 9.
edisyonunu İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi ile bir araya gelerek
EKAV, 26 Ekim- 26 Aralık tarihleri arasında, sanatseverleri çağdaş sanatın 16 yeni nesil temsilcisiyle, İBB’nin İstanbul’un merkezindeki kamusal sanat alanı Mecidiyeköy Sanat’ta buluşturuyor.
THEME: ETHICS, another weapon against corruption
My cartoon was a finalist and included in the video show...
I was recently selected by the ADMISSION JURY to participate in the hall and contest of the XXIII International Biennial of Graphic Humorism of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, 2023 that will take place in Cuba from April 9 to 12.
Dedicated to the Ural radioactive trace, the consequences of the accident at the chemical plant "Mayak" in 1957.
Theme: "Peaceful Atom to Every Home"